The Sand In Your Bodies Hour Glass Is Trickling Down. Hurry and Get Your SeleGevity Equipment Before Its Too Late!

Here at SeleGevity We Believe in Quality Over Quantity. With Our State Of The Art Recovery Items Your Body Will Feel Better Then Ever.


Mission Statement

"If you notice something impacting your community, isn't it imperative to take action to enact change? Growing up in the Tri-State Area, we were taught to embody toughness in every situation, yet overlooked was the importance of self-care, a missing element not only in my community but in many others across America. My aspiration is not merely longevity, but rather what I call "SeleGevity," ensuring sustained well-being for people worldwide. I speak from firsthand experience, having navigated through it myself. Surgeries can profoundly affect both physical and mental health."

Reflecting back about a year or two ago, it dawned on me that I had been playing on concrete for over a decade. Endless AAU games, inner city tournaments, and college basketball matches passed by with little to no regard for pre- or post-game treatment. My mindset, rooted in a tough dog mentality, blinded me to the gradual breakdown my body was undergoing. I refused to appear "weak" or "soft," thus soldiering on despite the warning signs. Sadly, this led to a full meniscus tear and a torn ligament in my big toe the following year. Thankfully, divine intervention spared me, planting a vision in my heart that could potentially transform lives while pursuing my initial goals. Now, I've embraced a new mission: ensuring that kids, teenagers, and adults avoid the same missteps I made. It's a pitfall all too easy to stumble into.